Welcome from the Principal

Welcome from the Principal








“Children Come First, Nios son Primeros.”

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Jeannette Harris
Principal of Gregory Elementary School
Phone: 609.656.2505/Fax: 609.394.1627
[email protected]


August 15,2022
Dear Gregory Elementary School Families,

With the beginning of the school year quickly approaching, I would like to provide you with the following information:

Important Dates

  •  August 26, 2022 -Back to School Extravaganza- Location: Trenton Board of Education Parking Lot
  •  September 1, 2021- Schoolwide Orientation
    •   K-1 (2:30-3:30)
    •  2-3 (3:30-4:30)
  •  September 8, 2022- First Day of School!!!!!!!!
  •  September 19, 2022- Back to School Night (Reduced Day)

 First Day of School Schedule

  •  Students in grades 1-3 report to school at 8:45am
  •  Kindergarten students will report to school at 9:00am
  • All students will meet in the school playground area
  •  Breakfast will be served in the classroom
  •  September 8th is a full day of school.
  •  Dismissal is at 3:15pm

 Regular School Schedule

  •  Daily- Arrival 8:45am
  •  Dismissal 3:15pm
  •  Reduced Day- Arrival 8:45am/Dismissal 1:00pm
  •  Students Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

It is with great pleasure that I write to welcome you to the 2022-2023 school year. I hope your summer has been filled with fun family activities. I love the excitement of a new school year and I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of the children.

This year many of our students will be new to the Gregory School community and sometimes change brings a level of anxiety. However, please know the staff and I will work hard to ensure your child’s learning experience at Gregory Elementary school is a successful and happy one.

  •  Students are expected to arrive to school at 8:45am and line up in the playground area. Teachers will meet their classes outside and proceed into the school building. Upon entry into the school, all students will have their temperature taken before going to class. Temperature scanners and hand sanitizer stations have been placed at all entrances.
  •  Any students arriving after 8:45am must enter through the main entrance.
  •  Dismissal begins at 3:15pm. Parents will pick up students in the playground area. All students in grades
  •  K-3 must be signed out unless the parent has given written consent for the child to walk home.

 Early Dismissal

  •  If you are planning to pick up your child from school before the scheduled dismissal time, please do so before 2:30pm. After that time, we begin preparing for dismissal and the school building is locked down. However, if it is an emergency situation, please contact the school prior to your arrival.


  •  All visitors must report to the main entrance.
  •  All visitors must have an appointment before coming to the school. Appointments can be scheduled by phone and or the Gregory School webpage.
  •  All visitors must have an ID and must complete a health questionnaire before entering the school building.


  • We are a uniform school and district. All students will be required to wear a uniform. The uniform consists of a powder blue top and khaki bottom.


  • All students must have updated physicals and immunization records Emergency Contact Information
  •  In the event of an emergency, we need to be able to reach you. Please complete the Student Information Packet. The link for this document can be found on the Gregory School webpage.


 Communication between the home and school is extremely important. Please see our primary methods of communication below.

  •  Email
  •  Class Dojo
  •  Phone Calls

 It is truly an honor for me to serve as the principal of Gregory School. I look forward to working closely with you this school year to ensure the success and well-being of your child. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the school (609) 656-4740.


 Jeannette Harris, Principal